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Checkworks partnered with LunarLab and Doozer Software to update their existing website due to aging architecture and limitations with their existing site. Checkworks provides both personal and business checks as well as other accessories. 

Product Details

Company Type

Small-Medium Business


Consumer Services

Product Type



UX Design, UI Design, Product Strategy Workshop


Wireframes, High Fidelity Designs, Design System, ADA Audit & Guidance

Checkworks homepage mockup


When redesigning a website, it’s important to understand a few things first: why is a redesign necessary, what do you hope to accomplish, and how will you measure the success of the new design? For Checkworks, their main goals were to: 

  • Enable users to re-order checks
  • Improve order accuracy to minimize production errors
  • Increase efficiency in the check ordering process
screenshot of Existing Checkworks site
Checkworks product page


We redesigned Checkworks to make the check buying process more efficient. We included a link to re-order checks directly in the utility navigation for easy access. 

Another major sticking point we heard from the customer support team was that customers often make mistakes during the ordering process. They sometimes order the wrong quantity, or order single checks when they meant to order duplicate checks, or they don’t notice typos during the customization step. This is costly because it means having to reprint and ship new checks, plus it erodes at customer satisfaction. Because Checkworks’ average customers are typically older, we knew to be mindful of the possibility for declining vision.

To mitigate these concerns, we made the product page options more explicit by separating out the color, quantity and check type. In the prior version, they were in a single dropdown, which is difficult to scan and even more difficult to use on a mobile device. We also introduced dedicated steps within the checkout flow for both customizing the check and previewing the check to minimize errors. 








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