Through our research, we found the majority of moderated participants chose Apple Pay or PayPal for convenience, followed by credit card as the least popular method. We also discovered that the average donation amount was $25, which helped validate Fundrage’s default giving amount.
100% of moderated survey participants and
68% of unmoderated survey participants chose the one-time donation method instead of a recurring monthly amount citing concerns over having another recurring debt. Overall, users preferred to be in control of their donations.
The last major area in question was the sign up method. 50% of people chose to sign up for a Fundrage account using Google, citing their seamless sign up process, followed by 25% each for Facebook and email, respectively.
In addition to these findings, we also heard some insightful ideas from their target audience. Through this research, we were able to validate their initial product strategy and provide them with a roadmap of future enhancements and feature ideas for their product.