ListList allows you to easily create all kinds of lists and share them with your network. ListList makes it easy to quickly create lists and collaborate with others. Lists are categorized, searchable, and easily accessible for future editing or review. Explore new ideas and share your experiences, expertise and opinions. ListList harnesses the power of lists to help you search for information, and to share your own thoughts with others.
Product Details
Company Type
Productivity, Social Media
Product Type
Web App
UX Design, UI Design, Product Strategy Workshop
Wireframes, High Fidelity Designs, Design System
screenshot of ListList mobile app
Accompanying web app mockups
Discovery & Design
ListList has an existing mobile app in the App Store, but the founders wanted to expand their presence to the web. With any social media app, attracting users is a key driver of success. Having a web presence creates an opportunity to improve content discoverability, which in turn increases user acquisition. Public lists can now be crawled by search engines, which increases the likelihood of people finding and utilizing the product.
Our limitations for the project were to take the existing mobile app and translate it into the increased screen real estate available on the web. We simplified the color palette, reworked some of the iconography to improve visual consistency, and leveraged existing mental models of other social media applications to create a seamless, easy-to-use experience.