Banner with an image of Kelli Lucas, the moon, and an astronaut. Text reads: "Meet LunarLab's Founders: Kelli Lucas

Meet LunarLab’s Founders: Kelli Lucas

Meet Kelli Lucas, LunarLab’s Chief Design Officer.  She and Elizabeth Anderson founded LunarLab together in 2021 with a dream of making beautiful products and creating a more inclusive tech community.  Learn more about Kelli below. 

How did you get into design?

When I got to college (University of Montevallo), I knew I wanted to major in art. I realized that graphic design was one way to get a job doing something I enjoyed. From there, I found jobs that required me to stretch my knowledge and skills until eventually I got into UX.

What do you love most about what you do?

I love that the design process is totally agnostic to any domain or industry. I may not know what the end result is going to look like, but the process of uncovering those needs is always the same. No two projects or problems are ever the same, so it’s an endless puzzle to understand and put together. I’m naturally curious and always want to know how something works or why it works a certain way – so that natural curiosity meshes well with the design field.

What are your favorite books about design or business?

Ruined by Design by Mike Monteiro is one that I always refer back to. Also Mismatch by Kat Holmes. Those have been at the top of my list for a couple of years now and I’ve referred them to numerous people since reading them.

What are your remote work essentials?

My Macbook Pro, my cat Greyson, and the birdfeeder outside my window – gives me something to look at during lengthy Zoom calls, and it’s hard to be mad with a cat in your lap. As for tools, Zoom, Figma, Whimsical, and Mural for collaboration.

What do you do for fun outside of work?

I love the outdoors – camping, fishing (fly fishing, salt water, freshwater, any kind), kayaking, spending weekends at the lake, or watching the kids play sports.

What's on your bucket list?

Northern Lights, Galapagos Islands, fjords in Iceland, Thailand, Japan, really any kind of traveling – the more the merrier.

What was your childhood dream job?

In 2nd grade, our school had an art contest where you had to draw a picture of what you wanted to be when you grew up. I drew a picture of an astronaut and won 1st place – which is kind of funny looking back. I wanted to be an astronaut so badly, but I also loved drawing. Now I’m co-founder of a company that’s space themed and still doing creative work, so I guess it came full circle. I still want to go to Space Camp though.

Interested in working with the LunarLab team? Contact us – we’d love to hear from you!

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